
If the code monkey who runs this website doesn't know what the Ad-Hoc committee is, neither will y'all.

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Luxi Peng - Chair

Luxi is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, double majoring in Politics and Economics. She was born in China and grew up in upstate New York, before joining NYUMUN her freshman year as a member of the Travel Team and NYUMUNC staffer. In her free time, you can find her reading Supreme Court opinions (yes, actually), listening to a true crime podcast, trying out pretentious cocktail bars, or most likely looking at pictures of dogs online.

Kang Huh - Crisis Director

Kang Huh is a jubilant third-year studying Finance and Political Science at New York University's Stern School of Business, better known as the "Soul Sucker." When not drowning in schoolwork, Kang enjoys watching Rick and Morty, exploring the wonders of New York City, or enjoying time with friends. He looks forward to spending a weekend of weirdness and wonder with the delegates of NYUMUNC IX.