
Chairs are first and foremost the moderators of debate during the conference. Chairs need to have a strong understanding of parliamentary procedure to make sure debate runs smoothly during committee session. A prior understanding of parliamentary procedure is not required, there will be training regardless during the semester, but an understanding of general debate procedure is advantageous in this position. It is also the responsibility of the Chair to create the background guid (BG) for their committee with the support of the CD and Crisis Analysts. Chairs should have strong research writing skills and the confidence to command a room.

Crisis Director

Crisis Directors (CD) are responsible for developing dynamic crises for delegates during the conference and overseeing a team of 4-8 crisis analysts in researching and creating content to stimulate debate. CDs should have solid research and writing skills and the ability to lead a diverse team. CDs should additionally be outside of the box thinkers and able to work under pressure.