Taber Brown, Chair

Taber is a sophomore majoring in Economics and minoring, potentially (key word) in Business Studies and Philosophy. When he is not studying, which can sometimes be too often, Taber enjoys cooking, singing—karaoke obviously—, hiking, and every other kind of outdoor activity. He absolutely loves nature, which makes New York City the best place for him to go to school. That being said, Taber can be seen exploring the city—especially the West Village. This is Taber’s second conference with NYU Model UN and he is extremely excited and proud to be a part of this organization yet another year.

Haris Fontaine, Crisis Director

Haris is a Junior studying International Relations and minoring in Urban Design and Architecture. Originally from Paris, France, he has had the joy of spending a large portion of his life right here in the Big Apple.  Hoping for a future in international security or humanitarianism, Haris is often found spending his free time catching up on the news, or even simply playing video games. Word of advice: never talk about politics unless you want to hear his endless rants.