Welcome, delegates!

It is my honor and privilege to serve as Under Secretary-General for Crisis on the Secretariat of the fourth annual New York University Model United Nations Conference. Having staffed all previous iterations of NYUMUNC in some capacity, I am especially thrilled to lead the preparations for our signature ten committee joint-crisis conference in the months leading up to April.

The crisis team and I have made a special effort to design a crisis scenario that makes the most of our unique conference structure. I believe that this year's focus on the Asia-Pacific region will allow for meaningful debate on both domestic and international themes. My concentration in Political Transitions at NYU's Gallatin School of Individualized Study has informed my interest in unresolved territorial issues that threaten the stability of even relatively peaceful regions. Our dedicated team of over one hundred crisis staff is working tirelessly to ensure that NYUMUNC IV provides the most immersive and dynamic simulation our conference has offered yet.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me at crisis@nyumunc.org. On behalf of all of the crisis team, we are incredibly excited to meet your delegations in the spring.

Zachary Halberg
Under Secretary-General for Crisis