We are the Japanese republic. In this conference will be focusing on revitalizing the 6 party talks on the North Korean Nuclear program. This issue has been contentious for several decades so it is up to us to decide how we will work with other countries to address this problem that could have serious implications. Bringing together the best minds of Japan, whether they be Military Men, Politicians, or Influential figures, we hope to find a solution that benefits our country and the rest the world through fruitful debate.
Omar Qassab - Chair
Omar Qassab here. I am from Amman, Jordan. I study Biology at the College of Arts and Science. I am dedicated to continuous process improvement in the face of rapidly evolving and changing environment. Extremely results- orientated and proactive in addressing and resolving problems.
Shraurya Baxi - Crisis Director
Shaurya is a junior at the Stern School of Business studying Finance and Actuarial Science. Originally from East Brunswick, New Jersey, Shaurya has been involved in Model United Nations since his freshman year in high school. Outside of school, he is a big Manchester United fan and enjoys trying new foods in the city. He currently resides in the Lower East Side, where he enjoys hanging out with his friends and beating them in FIFA.