Syria-Defending Against the Real Enemy

Danielle Bennett

The committee in Syria has already passed two directives and is seemingly set to pass more this session. During this committee, Saudi Arabia dropped their oil prices intentionally in order to artificially inflate oil prices. This move by the Saudi Arabians has inadvertently increased the oil market share of Iranians and Iraqis in the oil marketplace.

This committee has also seen an increased dependence on Turkey out of necessity for food and other resources that can no longer be produced within Syria.

These two crisis have lead to the passing of two directives.

The first directive addresses the reformation of the distribution system within Syria, and the second directive sets to rebrand the country. Both directives passed, but not without contention.

The first directive was seen as not adequately addressing the true problem - of ISIS.

The second directive addresses that exact problem. Delegates within the committee state that a rebranding of the Syrian government will allow the country to, “Face the true enemy of the country” this is because, “it is they who the world should be fighting”. Opponents of the bill were against the fact that the bombing and rebranding of Syria that would come with the passing of the directive would cost money that could be distributed to a better section of the economy, and that the passing of the bill could lead to bombing of Syrian citizens.

Both bills passed, but tensions still lie with the Islamic scholar stating that, “The number of deaths placed on the people because of the Assad regime far surpass the amount of deaths placed on us by ISIS. I find it comical that this is where we place our attention”. He also noted that ,“none of our citizens can eat bullets. We are investing in our economy where it is not necessary”

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