The Opening Ceremony

Speakers: Ian Manley (Secretary General) and Azizjon Azimi (Under-Secretary General, Crisis)

“Close your eyes. What do you want the world to look like?” Ian Manley, Secretary General of NYUMUNC VI, commenced the opening ceremony questioning our vision of a Utopia. NYUMUNC VI does not have a General Assembly or an ECOSOC, so how are we actually modeling the United Nations?

Through this new structure, with different committees representing the decision makers of nations in times of crises, delegates are put into the driver’s seat. This allows delegates to design the future by turning to whichever direction their minds’ creativity allows. Rather than adopting the structure of the United Nations, this conference is focused on adopting the principles and purpose of the United Nations.

The crises are put into place to spark debate amongst delegates and see how they choose to interact with one another rather than create a predetermined path. This conference will be a chance to see how over 400 delegates can strategize and create a world closer to the one we envisioned with our eyes closed.

The Middle East has been a hotspot of global affairs. Azizjon Azimi, the Under Secretary General of Crisis, expressed NYUMUNC as a challenge for delegates to address and fight the misconceptions and interests that obstruct the vision of powerful decision makers in the diplomatic space. Instead of following the stereotype that the Middle East is “conflict central,” this conference aims to treat the Middle East as a region that brought several people from distinct backgrounds, religions, and nationalities together even if it may need assistance in dealing with some of the consequences in today’s date.

Acknowledging the existence of radicalism, he hopes to see delegates from different ideologies and backgrounds change their focus to finding strategies to solve the socio-economic issues underlying the existent radicalism. Additionally, the historic crises will allow delegates to analyze the impact of historical events on the contemporary conflicts in the Middle East. They will have the chance to “Alter the past and design the future.” With this opportunity, delegates will gain a better understanding of the impact of the subtleties that go into strategizing solutions.

Reiterating the ambitious concept to reimagine the world, Azimi ended with a warm and enthusiastic “Welcome to NYUMUNC VI!”

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1 Response

  1. Robert Hankins says:

    Great opening!

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