State of Affairs


Angie Ra, Germany

Name: Angie Ra School, Class: University of Pennsylvania, sophomore Position, Committee: Head Delegate, Germany Favorite TV Show: How to Get Away with Murder On Michelle Obama’s arms, “One time, I hugged Michelle Obama and her arms...


Aaron Sobel, Kingdom of Belgium & Ean Steinberg, Italy

Name: Aaron Sobel School: Princeton University Committee, Position: Kingdom of Belgium, Vice-Chairman of Central Bank “NYUMUNC is one-of-a-kind, for everything is interconnected.”   Name: Ean Steinberg School: Princeton University Committee, Position: Italy, President of European Central Bank “A usual...


Risha Rohera, Russia

Name: Risha Rohera School: University of Pennsylvania Position, Committee: CEO of UC RUSAL, Russia On what she is most excited about, “Meeting different people and checking out New York nightlife.”


On Closing Conflicts: Maher Nasser

Ananya Bhattacharya and Niharika Naveen At the end of an action-packed four day conference, NYUMUNC’s closing ceremony featured Maher Nasser, Director of the Outreach Division at the United Nations Department of Public Information, as the speaker....