Roman republic
The Claiming the Seas Committee JCC is one focused on controlling the Mediterranean Sea, therefore becoming the most powerful empire. Set in 300 BC, our Roman Republic will be competing against three other powers: Syracuse, Celtics, and Carthrage. Although debating amongst yourselves, you will work as a team to overpower the others in the JCC.
Rosamaria Diaz - Chair
Rosamaria is a first-year student studying in the Liberal Studies Core Program. She is planning on transitioning into Global Liberal Studies and concentrating in Politics, Rights and Development while doing a minor in Public Policy and Management. Parts of her studies involve going a year abroad to London and getting involved in her community.
Rishabhraj Jalota - Crisis Director
Rishabhraj is a high school veteran of Model UN who is ready to transcribe his skills into the college circuit. As a freshman studying Economics and Computer Science at NYU, Rishabhraj is very adept at complex problem solving and is looking forward to interact with you all at NYUMUNC!